.. _user-io: Operation: External User I/O ============================ .. figure:: /_common-all/_images/connector-db15.eps :target: _images/connector-db15.eps :width: 500px :align: center |product_full| D-Sub 15-pin BDx Interface user I/O connector (female) pin numbering .. csv-table:: Complete pin listing and definitions available on the BDx Module D-Sub 15-pin external user I/O connector. Pins not listed have no connection. :file: _tables/operation-userio-pins.csv :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 15 15 60 .. _bdx-digital-outputs: Digital Outputs --------------- The |product_full| has eight digital output signals on its rear 15-pint D-Sub external user I/O. The External User I/O pin layout is defined in :ref:`user-io`. The digital outputs are used to monitor the |product_type|'s internal states. A pin will output +5V when a state is active and 0V when a state is inactive. The maximum output current per pin is 20 mA. When the |product_full| is in a normal operating state, FAULT (Pin 2) will show 0V and INTERLOCK (Pin 3) will show 5V, both with respect to GROUND (Pin 1). When the |product_full| is in a faulted state, FAULT (Pin 2) will show +5V and INTERLOCK (Pin 3) will show 0V. INTERLOCK (Pin 3) is often used to tie in to existing interlock systems and is provided with an ORing diode for protection. .. _userio-references: Grounds ------- A ground pin is provided on the |product_full| 15-pin external user I/O connector on Pin 1 to be used as the reference ground for digital outputs.