Integrated Hardware Option

High Isolation Output

Option Code Suffix: +ISO


MagnaDC Logo TS Series MT Series ML Series
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Certain applications require floating the output voltage to values beyond the power supply isolation rating. Magna-Power's High Isolation Output Option (+ISO) enables any TS Series or MT Series model with a peak output voltage rating of 250 Vdc through 1000 Vdc to be rated for a higher voltage output isolation. Improved isolation is achieved by a novel output stage with improved controller isolation. In addition to being able to float the power supply to a higher output voltage, this option also enables lower voltage units to be tied together in series up to its new higher isolation rating, in accordance with the table below.


The +ISO option is available for models with maximum output voltage rating from 250 Vdc to 1000 Vdc from the following product series:

  • TS Series
  • MT Series
  • ML Series

The +ISO option cannot be combined with the +BD or +WC options. Addition of the +ISO option will cause the product’s wired remote sense feature to be removed.


The output isolation for Magna-Power Electronics TS Series and MT Series programmable DC power supplies is as follows, where Vo is output voltage rating of the particular model:

Product Series

DC Output Isolation (Standard) (Models Rated Up to 1000 Vdc)

DC Output Isolation (With +ISO Option) (Models Rated Up to 1000 Vdc)
TS Series±1000 Vdc, max output voltage to ground±(3000 Vdc + Vo/2), max output voltage to
ground, where Vo is the max rated voltage
MT Series±1000 Vdc, max output voltage to ground±6000 Vdc
ML Series±1500 Vdc, max output voltage to ground±6000 Vdc