MQA/MQD Series
Programmable DC Power Supply
The MQA/MQD Series was built using the same 10 kW power processing modules as the PQA Series, only packaged in a floor-standing cabinet and expanding into higher power levels. The MQA/MQD Series models covered a very wide output range, spanning from voltage levels from 10 Vdc up to 800 Vdc (floating) and current levels up to 5,400 Adc. Models with power levels up to 60 kW were available in and weighed 760 lbs. All MQA/MQD Series power supplies came standard with isolated 37-pin external I/O, RS232, Remote Interface Software, LabVIEW/LabWindows drivers for integration into a variety of programming environments.
A higher power 25 kW module was created for the TS Series, along with a new steel sub-frame mechanical design for higher power models. The updated mechanical design provided a major reduction is size for higher power units, and the TS Series was expanded to include 50 kW, 75 kW and 100 kW modules in a fraction of the size of the MQA/MQD Series. The MQA/MQD Series products were discontinued, but with the same controller and interfaces, the TS Series offers an easy migration path.
The MQA/MQD Series was the first product line to use microprocessors in the controller and display board. Closed-loop control was still analog making the product line similar in performance to the MQ Series. The MQA had a simpler display panel than the MQD panel, making the former better fit for industrial processes and the later a better for R&D.
Recommended Replacement Product
TS Series Programmable DC Power Supply
Resources for the MQA/MQD Series